

Minedition publishes picture books of the highest quality

that “open the door to the world” for children.

By working with exciting international artists and authors, minedition ensures books of distinction, focusing on the universal nature of imagination and wonder.

When children are exposed to exceptional books, if they have the chance to discover amazing books, they can develop much more than just a deeper appreciation of word and art. Such books can foster understanding and a greater appreciation of the multi-cultural world in which we live.

Our Beginning:

After 10 years with the Swiss Nord Sud Publishing, minedition -- michael neugebauer edition -- was founded 2004, first as an imprint with Penguin and now independent and distributed in North America by IPG. Successful on all five continents, today’s publishing structure is well positioned internationally.

The headquarters for Michael Neugebauer Publishing Ltd. is located in Hong Kong where Michael Neugebauer serves as Director of Publishing and works as an editor and designer of all minedition books.

Project details

  • IT Solutions : UI設計+ Photoshop + Apache + CentOS6.8 + MySQL5.6 + PHP + Codeigniter + Jquery + Bootstrap
  • Participant: 1 Frontend Engineer + 1 Backend Engineer + 1 Designer + 1 PM